The first Assignment of Kelas Menulis Bahasa Inggris

Kelas Menulis Bahasa InggrisThis is my first assignment at my class of English writing with Dr. Etin Anwar, PhD who is an Associate Professor at Hobert and Wiliam Smith Colleges, USA. I have join this program for two weeks. At the first week, Bunda Etin, she pleasantly is addressed, taught about the keys to get much benefit from this program, the first is to be an active learner and the second is being knowledge producer. Then, at the second meeting, the students were asked to practice writing about “What is the best way to write English?”, telling about our own experiences in English writing and according to this, giving opinion what the best way to write English.

Actually, I was not interested enough to write it, as usual, I feel a bit lazy to do something which is not my main focus to do. But at the time, I thought it is my opportunity to practice my English and who knows what benefit in future I will get, maybe with this practice and my active participation, I will easily get access to get Letter of Acceptance from USA Universities or other benefit.  When the class would be started in 30 minutes, I had just started to write it. Finally, this is my writing which I did in hurry…. Continue reading